What does someone with cancer, addiction, or a victim of narcissistic abuse have in common?

What does someone with cancer, addiction, or a victim of narcissistic abuse have in common?

Dr. Christina Melancon, ND, CECP, CDS II

When people approach the world of natural healing, they arrive in a certain state of being. I like to assess where the person is mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. What state are they in? It has been my experience that patients who have been given a cancer diagnosis, or are fed up with addiction, or someone coming out of narcissistic abuse all have a few things in common.

All three of these scenarios are soul wounds because they hit on many levels, leading to multiple layers of pain, confusion, and life disruption. Soul wounds can initially cause soul shock which is a culmination of many emotions like panic, fear, confusion, and grief. Trying to unravel all of this takes time and is a journey, not an overnight fix. All three of these: cancer, addiction, and narcissistic abuse, come with deep pain that can lead to deep soul lessons, personal growth, empowerment, and evolution!

There is a sort of surrender I see in patients facing these situations. It’s like the world has humbled their soul and is aiming to get their full attention. It’s a call for deep internal healing, self-reflection, and humility.

What can a person do in these situations, but first surrender. Surrender does not mean you don’t seek help or are not proactive. It means you realize you now must work alongside something that has a certain grip on your mind and body. When you feel powerless, it’s time to seek out a higher power to assist you on the journey.

Mentally and emotionally overcoming the grip is more than half the battle. All these situations are riddled in fear, confusion, frustration, and grief. The mind will drag you through the journey or you can allow your soul to lead. The mind will fuel the fear and panic and feed the diagnosis, making it larger than what it is, giving it undue power over you. With soul leading you, you develop deep trust, patience, stillness, and you move forward on your healing path ready to learn, submit, be humbled and grow. In all these situations, you must be confident that you have the power to make choices to recover and rebirth yourself. This diagnosis may just be part of your hero’s journey and soul lessons here on this earth.

I help you physical, emotionally, mentally and spiritually face daunting diagnosis. Please reach out if you feel called to do so.

I love you!

Heal your heart. Expand your soul.



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