Dr. Christina Melancon, ND is a true, hard-core health explorer and investigator. She’s been on a quest to understand health and wellness since age 14. She has worked in physical therapy, fitness, health, holistic wellness, and publishing her whole career. Holistic health is her lifestyle and not a job. She lives, breathes, and embodies true, natural health and wellness.
Over the years she has developed a real holistic (whole health approach) and has come to appreciate the missing key to true and lasting health. It’s connection! Many people are so disconnected from their own hearts and souls. This dis-connection is an interruption in your natural energetic flow and is at the root of dis-ease. Her goal is to use all the tools she has accumulated in her vast career to help people embody true health by connecting deep within to their inner, Highest Self to lead life with authentic power. The tools she uses are the most powerful, nature and love. With these tools that target the mind, body, and soul, you can heal your disconnection and become whole, integrated and truly healthy and vital.
It’s time people understood they hold the power to be sick or to be well. They hold the power to create joy, happiness, and love for themselves, their families, communities, and the planet!
A few more tidbits
Christina is an avid writer and published author of the titles, Eat Super-Natural, Super-Natural Juicing, and Grateful Clarity. She was the co-creator and publisher of Fit Life Magazine (2009), creator and editor-in-chief of Healthy Works Magazine (2009- 2019), and co-creator and editor-in-chief of Inspire Health Magazine for three years. She holds certifications in raw food nutrition, personal training, functional training, special needs fitness training, post-rehab fitness training, detoxification specialist level 2 with focus in iridology, Pilates, equine assisted learning, emotion code practitioner, soul coaching, and is studying for her PhD in Natural Health Philosophy.
“True health is being centered, finding and aligning with your Higher Self and being present.”
-Dr. Christina
“I am not a hard core, in your face motivator. I am a nurturer. I find being vulnerable, sincere and authentic is more motivating than many traditional approaches.”
-Dr. Christina
Dr. Christina’s core practice is centered on energy medicine. You are an energetic being and are deeply affected by human relationships, trauma/events, environment, culture, upbringing, and the chemistry (energetics) of food. All these things affect your mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health to a large degree. Understanding how these things affect you is the first step in your journey to wellness!
A true holistic program will help you understand how your emotional and physical body are intimately connected with your total health and well-being. That is what we do at IVY Vitality. We help you understand how everything in your world affects you and how you can make shifts at any time to lead a healthier, happier life by getting clean, clear, and connected.
We feel your pain on every level. Whether it shows up as emotional, structural or social, we’ve been there, we understand and are reaching out our hands and heart to help.
Too many Doctors don’t take the time to listen and to get the whole story. They miss out on key pieces in solving your health puzzle. After all, you are a whole person and every part of you plays into your health picture. We understand the value of listening and pausing for you. You are more than a chart, a record, a number. That’s why we get your history, order labs, suggest life coaching and/or emotional release therapy and suggest dietary and lifestyle changes along with recommended supplements. It’s not just up to us to get you well, it’s also up to you.
Together, we will make a plan to get you where you want to be.
The plan will include our treatment intervention, lifestyle changes necessary and nutritional supplements. It will also include the time and money investment needed. You will be “in the know” from the get-go! No stressful surprises.